
On this page I hope to give you many fantastic books. The reviews of the most of the books that I have read and loved but at the same time I will try to keep an update on the movies fantastic and nonfantastic. I am starting this blog for all in Romania so they will now about all the fantastic books new and old because belive me there are many.
joi, 28 iulie 2011
Românca dispărută în Norvegia şi-a sunat mama în timpul atacului: "Se trage în noi"
Karin Holst, în vârstă de 15 ani, se numără printre cei dispăruţi în atacul ce a avut loc pe insula Utoya, zilele trecute. Românca şi-a sunat părinţii în timp ce Anders Behring Breivik a început să tragă în tabăra de tineret.
"Aici se împuşcă, se trage în noi" a apucat să-i spună adolescenta mamei sale la telefon. Până în momentul de faţă autorităţile nu anunţat numele tuturor victimelor atacului terorist, astfel că tânăra româncă se află încă pe lista persoanelor dispărute.
Toţi prietenii româncei de la Oslo se vor aduna joi să se roage ca ea să fie încă în viaţă, scrie Antena 3. Acelaşi lucru vor să-l facă şi prietenii fetei de la Codlea, unde s-a născut mama ei şi unde Karin abia aştepta să se întoarcă în această vară.
SURSA: http://www.libertatea.ro/detalii/articol/romanca-disparuta-norvegia-sunat-mama-atac-se-trage-in-noi-347327.html
Karin toti speram sa fii bine si vrem sa te vedem acasa sanatoasa!!!!!!!
Oslo a devenit un oraş-fantomă
Altădată o meteropolă plină de viaţă, Oslo a devenit de vineri seară un oraş-fantomă. Aseară şi în cursul zilei de azi nici ţipenie de om nu mai este pe străzile capitalei, cu excepţia cordoanelor de poliţie care asigură paza. Mâna lungă a terorismului a ajuns şi în capitala Norvegiei, unde acum oamenii se tem şi de umbra lor. Dublul atentat din Norvegia, soldat cu moartea a 91 de oameni, a redus la tăcere un oraş care altădată fremăta de viaţă, scrie tabloidul norvegian VG. Locuitorii au luat în seamă avertismentele poliţiei de a nu ieşi din case vineri seara şi sâmbătă. La primele ore ale dimineţii centrul metropolei arăta ca după război, potrivit tabloidului. Fiecare colţ de stradă e împânzit de forţe ale poliţiei cu veste antiglonţ şi mitraliere, care veghează acum la liniştea oraşului. Situaţia e mai critică dacă te apropii de centrul oraşului, scena atacului cu bombă de ieri. Aici traficul a fost redus în totalitate, cordoane ale poliţiei controlează la sânge pe oricine vrea să teracă. De asemenea, cele mai importante instituţii oficiale, cum ar fi Parlamentul, câteva ministere sau Palatul Regal, sunt păzite cu străşnicie de forţe ale armatei înarmate până în dinţi. Singurii care se încumetă să circule în centrul oraşului sunt jurnaliştii, anchetatorii sau membrii ai echipelor de salvare care mai caută victime sub dărâmături.
Sursa: http://www.libertatea.ro/detalii/articol/oslo-oras-fantoma-346809.html
O secunda sa stam sa ne gandim la ce sa intamplat si sa oferim condoleante famililor!!!!!!
The Oslo Terrorist in His Own Words: Bomber Predicted “Europe soon will burn once again”
Suspected Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik, in custody following a shooting and bombing rampage on July 22 that left 92 people dead, believes that the number of Muslims in Western Europe is “reaching critical mass” and that “there is a core of Cultural Communist elites in Western Europe who really want to destroy Western civilization, European traditions, national solidarity and Christianity.” But he believes an impending economic meltdown will generate armed grassroots resistance in Europe. He spelled out his beliefs in what he saw as the threats to the European identity posed by radical Muslims and multiculturalists in a series of messages obtained exclusively by The Washington Times. The messages were sent to a source who corresponded with Mr. Breivik on Facebook in July 2009.
Our source said that Mr. Breivik “seemed completely normal” at first though clearly highly focused on the issue of Islam in Europe. In a brief introductory message on July 11, Mr. Breivik said that he had “been working full time on a compendium about the Islamisation of Europe now for almost two years” entitled "September 11th, 2083."
The next day in a longer message he began by observing that “the U.S. is much better off than Western Europe, that's for sure. I'm from Oslo btw,” he continued, “which [has] about 20% Muslims now. The Muslim ‘ghettofication process’ on the east side of my city is pretty radical. Most of these Muslims are religiously conservative non-educated individuals from NW Pakistan and Somalia which makes it even more challenging. The only positive aspect I guess is that they live in their own enclave (parallel society) with little to no interaction with Norwegian society.”
European cities “about to burst”
Mr. Breivik expressed his annoyance that Norway is portrayed in the media as “a socialist, culturally diverse utopia.” The truth of the matter, he wrote, “is that a majority of Norwegians (like most other Western European countries) have opposed mass Muslim immigration for decades. Its really starting to boil here (especially after the Muslim riots in Oslo a few months back which resulting in the trashing of half the city) although the mainstream Norwegian media are doing whatever they can to systematically conceal the truth. Even though we host the most successful anti-Islamisation party in Europe (Progress party, 22% last election) it doesn't make much of a difference as every single proposal is categorically rejected by the seven multiculturalist parties.
“However, France and the Netherlands and select European major cities are in an even worse state. It will be interesting to follow the development there closely. Paris, Marseilles, Brussels are about to burst.”
Mr. Breivik said he devoted much of his book to tackling what he believed was the “root cause of Islamisation, namely multiculturalism/cultural communism. Europe has always been based on a Judeo-Christian culture and it’s essential that we continue to fight for that. In that regard, it’s positive to witness how the ‘old school nationalists’ all around Europe are conforming by rejecting the old racist and anti-Jewish views. The new Conservatist ‘new right’ is rapidly developing into a pro-Israel, anti-Jihad alliance.
“Most peoples’ prediction is that it won’t end well though. We will not be able to stop the current demographic warfare waged against Europe by the Global Islamic Ummah. It is likely that the end game will be a ‘strongman’ result further down the road (in about 3-7 decades). An increasing number of metropolitan Europeans are sick of living in dhimmitude [i.e., subjugation of non-Muslims to Islam].”
Impending “economic downfall”
Mr. Breivik believed that an impending economic crisis would be the trigger for action against the perceived Islamic threat. “Today Western Europeans refrain from reacting since they live in economic prosperity,” he wrote, “and to stand up for their ideas would send them into suffering. However, in a few decades we will have an economic downfall that will make the current recession look like a picnic. And at that point standing up for their ideas will come at no extra cost, since the suffering is already prevalent.”
But ultimately Mr. Breivik did not think that the traditional European identity would be overwhelmed. “I’m optimistic,” he wrote. “Europeans won’t allow it to go too far and we will never allow the creation of future ‘mini-Pakistans.’”
The emerging European resistance
On July 13, Mr. Breivik sent a thousand-word message going into more detail regarding his views of the threat posed by Muslims in Europe, and the possible responses, including “armed resistance.” He also gave some insight into himself and his motivations. “A few years ago… I had different priorities in life,” he wrote, “me, myself and I.” He said that his “best friend for many years (in my childhood) was a Pakistani. He resented everything about Norway and Norwegians (me being the exception). I have known a lot of Muslims over the years which triggered my interest for Islam. … I sold my company a few years back which allowed me to focus full time on the current compendium I'm writing; ‘September 11th, 2083.’ I’ve lived quite ascetic since then.”
Mr. Breivik said that the issue he was focused on was not new. “People have been describing the problem for almost 10 years,” he wrote, “but they refrain from presenting solutions, reason being that the democratic mechanics will most likely not be able to solve or correct our current course. We’ve seen it several times in history. Once an ‘Empire’ focuses all its resources on being ‘good’ instead of being ‘powerful’ it will succumb. If an empire doesn't believe in ‘something,’ it will be defeated by anything. It’s understandable though that intellectuals are afraid of stating the obvious. They don't want to be labeled as extremists.”
Mr. Breivik believed that there would come a time when people in Europe would turn to violence. “I think we will see the first real signs of European resistance or even armed resistance within 10-15 years in certain European metropolitans,” he wrote. “I’ve seen and heard of numerous suspect ‘accidents’ already, even in Norway. For example a data central in Oslo was torched a few weeks ago. It severely delayed the registration of new asylum seekers etc. It’s not a secret that the current European governments have gone to great lengths to cover incidents like these up to avoid the ‘inspirational’ effect.”
For the police there are “too many individuals to monitor”
But Mr. Breivik did not think that the alleged media coverup of armed European resistance could continue. “I doubt they will succeed to cover up incidents like these for much longer,” he wrote. “Islam is reaching critical mass in several European cities right about now (20%) which is indicative of the Police being unable to counter all attacks. [There] will simply be too many individuals to monitor. They have already stopped hundreds of Jihadi attacks since 7/7 [the London mass transit bombings] and 9/11.”
Mr. Breivik believed that the new European nationalism was not anti-Semetic like the Nazis and other 20th Century extremist movements. To the extent anti-Semetism existed in Europe, he maintained, it was in the “Socialist spectrum.” But “it’s not the case for the people nor the majority of political parties. It’s the Cultural Communists - Socialist Left Party, and the Labour Party (both are in government atm). Both of the right wing parties, Høyre (Conservatives) and especially the Progress Party (the only anti-Islamisation party) are very pro-Israel.
“Cultural Communist elites”
“There is a core of Cultural Communist elites in Western Europe who really want to destroy Western civilization, European traditions, national solidarity and Christianity (Israel by default) but the majority of the multiculturalists are mostly just ignorant of the truth or are just going with the flow. It was a mistake not to arrest these hardcore communists after the Cold War. Now we are paying the price. This relatively small core of individuals ([European Commission President Jose Manuel ] Barroso is one of them) who work as force multipliers due to the fact that they have leading positions in the EU system.”
Mr. Breivik also believed that anti-Americanism in Europe was mainly the product of internationalist elites and biased media. “A majority of Europeans love the U.S.,” he wrote, “just like a majority of Europeans support Israel’s fight against Jihad. But considering the fact that 80-90% of the media + politicians ‘officially’ support Cultural Communist views it’s only natural that the coverage is extremely biased.
“Actually, every ‘suppressed’ poll I’ve seen indicate that a majority support our views to some degree. They are just unwilling to flag their views publicly as they know it will involve stigma. Another portion agree in principle but are just lying to themselves (because the multiculturalist system has taught them to feel shame if they have given sympathies). It’s also a gender factor. All the statistics I’ve seen indicate that 70% of males support Cultural Conservatism (anti-Islamisation) while the same amount of females support Cultural Communism (Islamisation).”
The coming European conflagration
Despite his belief that the power structure was arrayed against the purported grassroots resistance to Isalmification, Mr. Breivik believed this could be overcome. “The biggest challenge in all of this is that people don't have a clue what Islam is,” he wrote “The key is therefore to propagate the truth about Islam. All the potent information is out there, and the blogging scene is making it increasingly harder for the establishment to suppress the truth. I'm very optimistic because I know that Islam is the Achilles [Heel] of the Cultural Communists. Multiculti is a self-defeating ideology when Islam is involved. It will take time, and will most definitely result in a lot more human misery along the way, but their own greed have in fact created the foundation for their own downfall. Continued ghettofication, mass Muslim immigration combined with high birth rates will make sure of that. European capitals are the lab rats in this regard. You will most likely be able to learn from our example when Europe soon will burn once again in a few decades.”
Mr. Breivik predicted that the coming conflagration in Europe would have the characteristics of a religious war. “I expect that a huge confrontation (European cultural civil war) will be followed by the creation of a strong Cultural Conservative block which will form a strong anti-Jihad alliance with Russia, Israel, India and other countries with similar problems,” he wrote. But he was unsure whether the United States would become involved in this clash of civilizations. “I really hope the U.S. will be a part of this future alliance,” he wrote, “but I find the U.S. much harder to analyze and predict (too many variables).”
Breivik a “pioneer in this fight”
“A majority of the people I know support my views,” he wrote, “they are just apathetic. They know that there will be a confrontation one day, but they don't care because it will most likely not happen within the next two decades.” He said he was a “pioneer in this fight, and I have no doubt whatsoever that we will see a political shift in our favor sooner than we might expect. It might look grim at the moment, but we are after all fighting a self-defeating ideology (Cultural Communism that is, not Islam). The only pragmatic approach towards Islam is to isolate it to Muslim countries once we are in a position to do so -- on September 11th, 2083.”
SOURCE: http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/robbins-report/2011/jul/23/oslo-terrorist-his-own-words/
Author:James S. Robbins
Lets just take as second to mourn and to think about the people that ther were killed in Oslo!!!!!!
miercuri, 27 iulie 2011
Happy Feet 2 in 3D 2011
The sequel to the Academy Award winning animated smash hit, "Happy Feet Two" returns audiences to the magnificent landscape of Antarctica in superb 3D. Mumble, The Master of Tap, has a problem because his tiny son Erik is choreo-phobic. Reluctant to dance, Erik runs away and encounters The Mighty Sven - a penguin who can fly!! Mumble has no hope of competing with this charismatic new role model. But things get worse when the world is shaken by powerful forces. Erik learns of his father's 'guts and grit' as Mumble brings together the penguin nations and all manner of fabulous creatures - from tiny Krill to giant Elephant Seals - to put things right.
Official site: http://happyfeettwo.warnerbros.com/index.html
Romania Preimere: 25.11.2011
Partea a doua a animaţiei premiate cu Oscar în 2007, Happy Feet 2 readuce pe marile ecrane peisajele feerice din Antarctica şi pe cei mai buni dansatori de step: pinguinii Mumble (Elijah Wood), Gloria (Pink) şi prietenii lor, îndrăgiţii Ramon şi Lovelace (Robin Williams). Mumble şi Gloria au acum un pui, Erik (EG Daly), care încearcă neîncetat să-şi găsească abilităţile lui speciale în lumea amuzantă a pinguinilor imperiali. Însă pericole negândite le ameninţă specia şi toţi trebuie să se unească şi să danseze pentru a se salva.
Situl filmului: http://happyfeettwo.warnerbros.com/index.html
Premiera Romania: 25.11.2011
The sequel to the Academy Award winning animated smash hit, "Happy Feet Two" returns audiences to the magnificent landscape of Antarctica in superb 3D. Mumble, The Master of Tap, has a problem because his tiny son Erik is choreo-phobic. Reluctant to dance, Erik runs away and encounters The Mighty Sven - a penguin who can fly!! Mumble has no hope of competing with this charismatic new role model. But things get worse when the world is shaken by powerful forces. Erik learns of his father's 'guts and grit' as Mumble brings together the penguin nations and all manner of fabulous creatures - from tiny Krill to giant Elephant Seals - to put things right.
Official site: http://happyfeettwo.warnerbros.com/index.html
Romania Preimere: 25.11.2011
Partea a doua a animaţiei premiate cu Oscar în 2007, Happy Feet 2 readuce pe marile ecrane peisajele feerice din Antarctica şi pe cei mai buni dansatori de step: pinguinii Mumble (Elijah Wood), Gloria (Pink) şi prietenii lor, îndrăgiţii Ramon şi Lovelace (Robin Williams). Mumble şi Gloria au acum un pui, Erik (EG Daly), care încearcă neîncetat să-şi găsească abilităţile lui speciale în lumea amuzantă a pinguinilor imperiali. Însă pericole negândite le ameninţă specia şi toţi trebuie să se unească şi să danseze pentru a se salva.
Situl filmului: http://happyfeettwo.warnerbros.com/index.html
Premiera Romania: 25.11.2011
Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey
Jessica has always known she is adopted. Her parents, the Packwoods, have told her the story of how they, as anthropologists, were studying her family in Romania when they were attacked. Jessica’s birth parents begged the Packwoods to take their daughter to safety. Eventually, Jessica’s birth parents and many others of her family are killed and the Packwoods return to the United States with a new baby. Jessica hates the story. She hates the fact that her parents were the kind of freaks that anthropologists wanted to study in the first place and how her birth name sounds so ethnic and strange. Antanasia – what kind of name is that?
Jessica starts to get a little freaked out when she sees a strange and mysterious guy watching her from afar. At the same time, she starts hearing her birth name whispered in the air. Antanasia…
Jessica has always known she is adopted. Her parents, the Packwoods, have told her the story of how they, as anthropologists, were studying her family in Romania when they were attacked. Jessica’s birth parents begged the Packwoods to take their daughter to safety. Eventually, Jessica’s birth parents and many others of her family are killed and the Packwoods return to the United States with a new baby. Jessica hates the story. She hates the fact that her parents were the kind of freaks that anthropologists wanted to study in the first place and how her birth name sounds so ethnic and strange. Antanasia – what kind of name is that?
Jessica starts to get a little freaked out when she sees a strange and mysterious guy watching her from afar. At the same time, she starts hearing her birth name whispered in the air. Antanasia…
Jessica a stiut întotdeauna ca ea este adoptată. Părinţii ei, Packwoods, au spus povestea de modul în care acestia o stiau, astfel cum sunt antropologi acestia studiau familia ei în România atunci când au fost atacaţi. Părinţii lui Jessica i-au implorat pe Packwoods să ia pe fiica lor si sa o duca in America ca sa fie in siguranţă. În cele din urmă, părinţii lui Jessica de naştere şi alti membrii din familia ei sunt ucişi şi Packwoods se intorc în Statele Unite cu un nou nascut. Jessica urăşte povestea. Ea urăşte faptul că părinţii ei au fost atat de ciudaţi ca antropologi sis si-au dorit să studieze în primul rând şi modul în care numele său de naştere sună atât de ciudat. Antanasia - ce fel de nume e asta?
Jessica spera ca anul acesta sa fie altfel dar isi da cema ca nu va fi asa, atunci când ea vede un tip ciudat şi misterios se uita la ea de departe. În acelaşi timp, ea începe să auda numelui ei de naştere şoptit în aer. Antanasia ...luni, 25 iulie 2011
Final Destination 5 2011
In "Final Destination 5," Death is just as omnipresent as ever, and is unleashed after one man's premonition saves a group of coworkers from a terrifying suspension bridge collapse. But this group of unsuspecting souls was never supposed to survive, and, in a terrifying race against time, the ill-fated group frantically tries to discover a way to escape Death's sinister agenda.
Official site: http://finaldestinationmovie.warnerbros.com/index.html
Romania Premiere: 02.09.2011
În Final Destination 5, Moartea este dezlănţuită de premoniţia unui om care îşi salvează colegii de la pieire când un pod suspendat se prăbuşeşte. Însă aceşti nefericiţi nu ar fi trebuit să scape cu viaţă ş intră într-o cursă cumplită împotriva timpului, încercând cu disperare să găsească o cale de a sfida planurile morţii. Şi încă o dată se dovedeşte că indiferent unde încearcă să fugă, indiferent unde s-ar ascunde... Moartea nu poate fi păcălită.
Siteul filmului: http://finaldestinationmovie.warnerbros.com/index.html
Premiera Romania: 02.09.2011
In "Final Destination 5," Death is just as omnipresent as ever, and is unleashed after one man's premonition saves a group of coworkers from a terrifying suspension bridge collapse. But this group of unsuspecting souls was never supposed to survive, and, in a terrifying race against time, the ill-fated group frantically tries to discover a way to escape Death's sinister agenda.
Official site: http://finaldestinationmovie.warnerbros.com/index.html
Romania Premiere: 02.09.2011
În Final Destination 5, Moartea este dezlănţuită de premoniţia unui om care îşi salvează colegii de la pieire când un pod suspendat se prăbuşeşte. Însă aceşti nefericiţi nu ar fi trebuit să scape cu viaţă ş intră într-o cursă cumplită împotriva timpului, încercând cu disperare să găsească o cale de a sfida planurile morţii. Şi încă o dată se dovedeşte că indiferent unde încearcă să fugă, indiferent unde s-ar ascunde... Moartea nu poate fi păcălită.
Siteul filmului: http://finaldestinationmovie.warnerbros.com/index.html
Premiera Romania: 02.09.2011
Friends with Benefits 2011
A young female headhunter (Mila Kunis) in New York convinces a potential recruit (Justin Timberlake) to accept a job in the Big Apple. Despite an attraction to each other, both realize they're everything they've been running from in a relationship and decide to see what happens if they leave emotion out of it and keep it strictly physical.
Official site: http://www.fwb-movie.com/
Romania Premiere: 09.09.2011
Dylan (Justin Timberlake) si Jamie (Mila Kunis) cred ca prietenia lor nu poate fi afectata daca incep si o relatie bazata pe sex, contrar a ceea ce ne invata comediile romantice de la Hollywood. In scurt timp, cei doi vor afla ca sexul poate complica prietenia dintre ei.
Insa cand amandoi incep sa isi de seama ca sunt la fel ca si ceilalti tineri si se indragostesc unul de celalalt, lucurile se vor complica.
Situl filmului: http://www.fwb-movie.com/
Premiera Romania: 09.09.2011
Dreaming Awake by Gwen Hayes
Serendipity Falls , and she finds herself struggling with the same deadly hungers that have tortured Haden. When students at their high school fall prey to a mysterious illness, Theia can’t help but wonder if Haden’s control is slipping—and how much longer she’ll have a grip on her own.
S-a indragostit de el intr-o lume a noptii.Dar timpul sa viseze a trecut si momentul acesta poate fi la fel de fragil ca iubirea lor.
She fell for him in a nighttime world. But the time for dreaming is past—and the here-and-now can be just as fragile their love…
When Theia Alderson first encountered a mysterious, handsome boy in her dreams, she never imagined how finding Haden Black—and falling in love—could change her life. To save Haden, Theia sacrificed everything. And the dangerous bargain she made could have lasting repercussions.
Now Theia has returned to DESCRIERE:
S-a indragostit de el intr-o lume a noptii.Dar timpul sa viseze a trecut si momentul acesta poate fi la fel de fragil ca iubirea lor.
Cand Theia Alderson a intalnit pentru prima data un baiat frumos in visele ei,nu si-a imaginat niciodata ca sa-l gaseasca pe Haden Black si sa se indragosteasca de el i-ar putea schimba viata.Pentru a-l salva pe Haden,Theia a sacrificat totul.Si intelegerile periculoase pe care le-a facut ar putea avea repercursiuni de durata.
Acum Theia s-a intors in Serendipity Falls si se trezeste confruntandu-se cu aceleasi nevoi mortale care l-au torturat pe Haden.Cand colegii lor de liceu cad prada unei boli misterioase,Theia nu poate sa nu se intrebe daca Haden pierde controlul si pana cand va mai putea si ea sa se controleze.
Cineva din trecutul lui Haden este decis sa o distruha pe Theia din interior spre exterior,incepand cu apropiatii ei si fortand-o pe Theia sa aleaga intre familie si prieteni si o dragoste care a fost sortita esecului inca de la inceput.
This book is the second book that follows Falling Under, the novel is verry good and in my opinion it si diffrent from all of the other that i have read because it is the first that shows a verry imposible love but I hope it is one that will last. This book will be relase on : 3.01.2012
Acesta carte este la doilea volum care urmeza dupa Falling Under, acest roman este in opinia mea diferit fata de tot ce am citit pana acum pt ca arata o iubire practic imposibila dar sper ca acest lucru se va rezolva.Acesta carte va fi lansata in SUA pe data de 3.01.2012 iar la noi nici macar nu a aparut primul volum asa ca va sftuiesc sa il luati si sa-l cititi in engleza cine poate cine nu asteptati si in 3-4 ani va apare si la noi......:(:(:(:(:(:(
Falling Under by Gwen Hayes
In her dreams he's irresistible--seductive, charming, and undoubtedly dangerous. But when he appears to her when she's awake--and captivates her just the same--she's not sure which way is up and which is down.
Theia Alderson has always led a sheltered life, not allowed the same freedoms as the rest of the teenagers in the small California town of Serendipity Falls. But when a devastatingly handsome boy appears in the halls of her school, she feels every urge she's ever denied burning through her at the slightest glance from Haden Black. Theia knows she's seen Haden before--not around town, but in her dreams.
Theia doesn't understand how she dreamed of Haden before they ever met, but every night has them joined in a haunting world of eerie fantasy. And as the Haden of both the night and the day beckons her forward one moment and pushes her away the next, the only thing Theia knows for sure is that the incredible pull she feels towards him is stronger than her fear. And as she slowly discovers what Haden truly is, Theia's not sure if she wants to resist him, even if the cost is her soul.
În visele ei e irezistibil - seducător, fermecător, şi, fără îndoială, periculos. Dar când el apare atunci când ea e treaza şi o captivează, ea nu este sigura în ce direcţie este sus şi in ce directie este jos.
Theia Alderson a dus întotdeauna o viaţă protejată, nu i s-au permis libertăţi la fel ca restul adolescenţilor în micul oraş din California Serendipity Falls. Dar cand un baiat frumos devastator apare in salile de şcoală, ea simte nevoia de a negat vreodată ca simte ceva pt Haden Negre. Theia ştie că la văzut înainte pe Haden, nu în jurul oraşului, dar în visele ei.
Theia nu înţelege modul în care ea la visat pe Haden înainte ca acestea să il fi întâlnit vreodată, dar în fiecare noapte I s-a alăturat într-o lume de fantezie obsedanta stranie. Şi, după cum Haden atât noaptea şi ziua ii face semn cu mâna o clipă şi o impinge mai departe următoarea. Theia ştie un sigur lucru acela ca este trasa incredibil de el,iar aceasta atractie este mai puternică decât frica ei. Şi ca ea încet descopera ceea ce este cu adevărat Haden, Theia nu e sigura dacă vrea să-i reziste, chiar dacă costul este sufletul ei.
duminică, 24 iulie 2011
Fright Night 2011
Senior Charlie Brewster (Anton Yelchin) finally has it all going on: he’s running with the popular crowd and dating the most coveted girl in his high school. In fact, he’s so cool he’s even dissing his best friend. But trouble arrives when Jerry (Colin Farrell) moves in next door.
He seems like a great guy at first, but there’s something not quite right—but everyone, including Charlie’s mom (Toni Collette), doesn’t notice.
After observing some very strange activity, Charlie comes to an unmistakable conclusion: Jerry is a vampire preying on the neighborhood. Unable to convince anyone, Charlie has to find a way to get rid of the monster himself in this Craig Gillespie-helmed revamp of the comedy-horror classic.”
Official site: http://www.welcometofrightnight.com/
Premiere Romania: 19.08.2011
Remake al comediei horror omonime din anul 1985, filmul "Fright Night" il are in centrul actiunii pe adolescentul Charley Brewster, care s-a integrat in grupul elevilor populari din liceu si a devenit iubitul lui Amy Peterson, cea mai frumoasa si ravnita colega de scoala, ignorandu-l pe vechiul sau prieten Ed Thompson si determinandu-l pe acesta sa-si doreasca razbunarea.
Atunci cand in casa vecina se muta carismaticul Jerry Dandrige, mama lui Charley si prietena acestuia cad sub vraja necunoscutului misterios, motiv pentru care nici nu vor sa auda speculatiile liceanului potrivit carora Jerry ar fi un vampir periculos, responsabil de decesele suspecte petrecute recent in cartierul lor. Negasind intelegere la persoanele din anturaj, Charley Brewster porneste o investigatie pe cont propriu si patrunde prin efractie in locuinta lui Jerry Dandrige pentru a aduna probe in sprijinul ipotezei sale, starnind astfel furia vampirului, care il transforma pe Ed Thompson in discipolul lui.
Dornic sa salveze persoanele dragi de coltii vampirului si sa stopeze valul de crime din oras, Charley apeleaza la sprijinul lui Peter Vincent, moderatorul emisiunii lui TV favorite, care pretinde in mod fals ca este expert in vampirism.
Situl fimului: http://www.welcometofrightnight.com/
Premiera Romania: 19.08.2011
Amy Winehouse RIP..........
Amy Winehouse was found dead in her London apartment Saturday (July 23), her publicist confirmed to CNN. The U.K. singer was 27 years old.
A press release from Metropolitan Police does not specify Winehouse by name, but reads: "Police were called by London Ambulance Service to an address in Camden Square NW1 shortly before 16.05 hours today, Saturday 23 July, following reports of a woman found deceased. On arrival officers found the body of a 27-year-old female who was pronounced dead at the scene. Inquiries continue into the circumstances of death. At this early stage it is being treated as unexplained."Winehouse canceled her European tour last month, and has long struggled with substance abuse.
On June 18, Winehouse performed the first show of that European tour at Forest Fest in Belgrade, Serbia, but things went terribly wrong. The Brit songstress reportedly showed up more than an hour late and then once there, she repeatedly left the stage mid-performance. Winehouse forgot lyrics to her songs and even dropped the mic as a disgruntled crowd of 20,000 booed her set. After the show, she canceled festival appearances in Turkey and Greece.
Apart from her touring plans, Winehouse was also reportedly working on the follow-up to her award-winning Back to Black, but a concrete release date for the album was never established.
Earlier Saturday, Winehouse's management team released a statement confirming she was pulling out of all gigs to concentrate on her recovery: "Amy Winehouse is withdrawing from all scheduled performances. Everyone involved wishes to do everything they can to help her return to her best and she will be given as long as it takes for this to happen."
Read what Rihanna, Usher and more said about Winehouse on Twitter.
Amy Jade Winehouse, born September 14, 1983, exploded onto the U.K. scene in 2003 with her debut album, Frank, which was nominated for the Mercury Prize, the award given to the year's best British or Irish album. After a string of well-received festival gigs and an Ivor Novello songwriting award, she began work on the album that would make her an international star: Back to Black, released Stateside in 2007.
Teaming with producers Salaam Remi and Mark Ronson (and the New-York based Dap Kings ensemble), Winehouse crafted a sound that was heavily indebted to the girl groups of the 1950s and '60s and, when combined with her smoky vocals and towering beehive hairstyle, served as a welcome antidote to the electronic-based pop music of the day. Buoyed by the success of iconic single "Rehab" — and Winehouse's near-constant coverage in the tabloids — Back To Black became a worldwide phenomenon, topping the charts in the U.K. (where it would be the year's best-selling album) and earning Winehouse five Grammys, including Record and Song of the Year and Best New Artist.
Following the success of Back to Black, Winehouse toured the world, and began a star-crossed (and much-covered) relationship with a former video-production assistant named Blake Fielder-Civil. Around the same time, several media outlets began reporting extensively on the couple's drug use and, in 2008, Fielder-Civil served time in prison after an altercation with a bar owner. During this period, Winehouse also had several run-ins with the law, including a 2007 arrest for possession of marijuana in Bergen, Norway, a "common assault" charge in early 2008 and, most famously, a May 2008 arrest stemming from a video of her smoking what appeared to be crack cocaine. She avoided jail time in each instance but, at the urging of her father, the singer made several attempts to get clean, repeatedly checking herself into rehabilitation facilities. Her last stint in rehab reportedly took place in May of 2011.
During all of this, Winehouse had also begun working on the follow-up to Back to Black, heading to the island of St. Lucia with Remi to record tracks. In July 2010, Winehouse made a surprise appearance at a Ronson show in London, flubbing the lines to the producer's song "Valerie." A few days later, she told the U.K.'s Metro newspaper that the new album was due in January and would follow in the footsteps of Black's retro leanings.
She recorded a version of Lesley Gore's "It's My Party" for legendary producer Quincy Jones' Q: Soul Bossa Nostra album, and was also tapped to sing with Tony Bennett on his upcoming Duets II album, which is due in September.
In the hours following her death, Winehouse's American record label, Universal Republic, said in a statement: "We are deeply saddened at the sudden loss of such a gifted musician, artist and performer. Our prayers go out to Amy's family, friends and fans at this difficult time."
O moarte parca anuntata a facut sambata seara inconjurul lumii si a intristat milioane de fani - Amy Winehouse a murit. Diva muzicii soul, care a luat lumea muzicala prin surprindere in 2006, avea doar 27 de ani.
Desi apropiatii se asteptau la un astfel de sfarsit tragic, sperau ca artista va depasi aceasta perioada intunecata din viata ei si va scapa de dependenta de droguri si alcool. In urma cu numai trei zile, Amy a fost vazuta plimbandu-se prin Londra si parea ca incepe sa-si revina.
Politia londoneza a fost chemata in Camden Square putin dupa ora 18:00, ora Romaniei. Acolo se aflau deja doua ambulante. Insa echipajele de salvare nu au mai avut ce sa-i faca tinerei gasite moarta.
"Politistii au gasit trupul unei femei in varsta de 27 de ani si au pronuntat decesul. Pot sa va confirm ca este vorba de Amy Winehouse" - Raj Kohli, Politia Metropolitana Londra.
Vestea neagra, ca Amy s-a stins, s-a raspandit imediat. Dupa cateva minute, zeci de fani erau deja in fata casei ei, cu flori si lumanari. Unii dintre ei au izbucnit in plans cand politistii au scos trupul artistei, ca sa-l duca la morga.
Cauza mortii n-a fost stabilita inca, dar toata lumea banuieste ca pe Amy au invins-o drogurile. Simpli fani sau colegi de scena, sute de oameni au lasat mesaje de condoleante
Amy Winehouse ar fi urmat sa concerteze la Bucuresti, pe 15 august, insa intreg turneul european al cantaretei a fost anulat, dupa un incident jenant, petrecut in timpul show-ului desfasurat la Belgrad, Serbia. Atunci, ea a urcat pe scena in stare de ebrietate, spre dezamagirea celor 20.000 de spectatori.
Winehouse s-a remarcat pe scena muzicala printr-o voce si o interpretare deosebite, insa tulburarile de comportament care au insotit-o pe parcursul carierei stralucite par sa ii fi adus in cele din urma un sfarsit tragic, cantareata fiind gasita moarta la 27 de ani, sambata, in casa ei.
Amy Winehouse s-a nascut la 14 septembrie 1983 in cartierul Enfield din Londra. Parintii sai, un sofer de taxi (Mitchell Winehouse) si o farmacista (Janis Winehouse) au divortat pe vremea cand ea avea noua ani, iar de atunci Amy si Alex, fratele sau mai mare, au locuit impreuna cu mama lor in Southgate.La varsta de zece ani, Amy a cantat pentru o scurta perioada intr-o formatie de rap numita Sweet-n-Sour.
De la 12 ani, Amy frecventeaza scoala de Actorie "Sylvia Young", dar este exmatriculata dupa numai un an, din pricina unui piercing facut in nas si pentru lipsa de disciplina. La 14 ani a consumat pentru prima data droguri si a inceput sa isi castige existenta, lucrand initial ca jurnalista, iar apoi a cantat intr-o trupa jazz.
A realizat prima ei inregistrare, pe o caseta demo, la 16 ani. Prietenul ei, cantaretul soul Tyler James, a trimis inregistrarea unui reprezentant al companiei A&R, care a avut o reactie favorabila, tanara cantareata pregatindu-si astfel debutul profesional.
Stilul pe care l-a abordat combina elemente de jazz, soul si rhythm and blues. S-a facut remarcata pentru vocea sa puternica, contralto, care ii permitea sa atinga note muzicale foarte joase.
A debutat in 2003 cu albumul intitulat "Frank", pentru care primeste o nominalizare la Mercury Prize. in 2007, Winehouse castiga un premiu BRIT la categoria "cea mai buna cantareata britanica" si o nominalizare pentru "cel mai bun album britanic" - "Back to Black".
Acest album a castigat locul intai in topul albumelor din Marea Britanie si a debutat pe locul sapte in topul U.S. Billboard 200, devenind cel mai mare debut pentru un album realizat de catre o cantareata britanica.
Winehouse a castigat si premiul "Ivor Novello", de trei ori - in 2004, pentru single-ul "Stronger than Me", in 2007, pentru single-ul "Rehab", primul extras de pe albumul "Back to Black", si in 2008 pentru piesa "Love Is a Losing Game".
De pe "Back to Black" s-au mai remarcat si single-urile "You Know I'm No Good", care a fost incorporat in coloana sonora a popularului serial american "Mad Men", si "Back to Black", catalogat drept "unul dintre cele mai bune single-uri ale anului" in presa britanica.
Winehouse a fost recompensata cu cinci premii Grammy in 2008, pentru "inregistrarea anului", "cantecul anului" si "cea mai buna interpreta", cu piesa "Rehab", "cel mai bun album pop" - "Back to Black" - si la categoria "debutantul anului".
Pe langa premiile, criticile favorabile si succesul comercial de care s-a bucurat, Winehouse a atras atentia presei prin problemele pe care le-a avut legate de consumul de substante interzise. Ea a recunoscut in mai multe interviuri ca avea tendinte de automutilare, probleme alimentare si suferea de depresie.
In 2005, a trecut printr-o perioada in care a baut foarte mult, a consumat droguri, avand schimbari bruste de dispozitie si slabind foarte mult. in octombrie 2006, Winehouse a recunoscut ca a fost afectata de anorexie si alte probleme cu mancarea generate de sistemul nervos.
In 2007, cantareata s-a maritat cu Blake Fielder-Civil, intr-o ceremonie neanuntata, tinuta in Miami, Florida. Pe 14 august 2007, site-ul TMZ.com si tabloidul britanic Daily Mirror au anuntat faptul ca Winehouse, alaturi de sotul sau au acceptat sa se interneze intr-o clinica de dezintoxicare dupa ce au ajuns dependenti de heroina si cocaina. in dimineata zilei de 23 august tabolidul britanic Daily Mail a surprins-o si fotografiat-o pe cantareata alaturi de sotul sau umbland pe strazile Londrei insangerati si raniti.
In 2008, artista a fost diagnosticata cu emfizem pulmonar in stadiu incipient, plamanii sai suferind din cauza abuzului de droguri si tutun. in acelasi an, ea a marturisit, intr-un interviu pentru revista Rolling Stone, ca a luat droguri in timp ce se trata pentru dependenta de heroina, motiv pentru care sefii casei sale de discuri au pus-o sub "arest la domiciliu".
Amy Winehouse a divortat de Fielder-Civil pe data de 16 iulie 2009, in urma unei proceduri accelerate, la inalta Curte de Justitie din Londra, insa nici unul dintre cei doi nu a fost prezent la tribunal.
Dupa ce s-a internat de mai multe ori la reabilitare, dar si pentru a se trata de diverse afectiuni, Amy Winehouse le-a dat din nou fanilor ei motive de ingrijorare, anul acesta, dupa ce a fost fluierata copios de spectatori in timpul unui concert pe care l-a sustinut la Belgrad, in luna iunie, deoarece parea ca se afla in stare de ebrietate. Ulterior, artista, care trebuia sa sustina un concert si la Bucuresti pe 15 august, a anuntat ca si-a anulat turneul european din aceasta vara.
De altfel, in ultimii patru ani, Winehouse a constituit unul dintre subiectele preferate ale tabloidelor britanice, mai mult pentru scandalurile provocate decat pentru muzica sa. Cantareata cu o voce exceptionala este cunoscuta pentru problemele sale legate de consumul de droguri, alcool, tendinta de automutilare, anorexie si bulimie. Amy Winehouse a efectuat cateva cure scurte de dezintoxicare, iar in ultima vreme, parea ca si-a facut ordine in viata personala, dupa o vacanta prelungita pe insula St. Lucia in 2009.
Fanii si criticii laolalta i-au aclamat farmecul necizelat, umorul incisiv si combinatia unica de jazz si soul care-i caracterizeaza muzica. Un alt atu al controversatei artiste britanice este talentul incontestabil de compozitoare - muzica pe care o scrie este, fara exceptie, profund personala, de o candoare brutala. Producatorul american Quincy Jones a declarat ca Amy Winehouse este atat de talentata incat "vine de pe alta planeta", sustinand ca este onorat de faptul ca artista britanica canta pe albumul sau de cover-uri intitulat "Q: Soul Bossa Nostra".
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 2011
In the highly anticipated next chapter of the blockbuster ‘The Twilight Saga’, the newfound married bliss of Bella Swan and vampire Edward Cullen is cut short when a series of betrayals and misfortunes threatens to destroy their world.
After their wedding, Bella and Edward travel to Rio de Janeiro for their honeymoon, where they finally give in to their passions. Bella soon discovers she is pregnant, and during a nearly fatal childbirth, Edward finally fulfills her wish to become immortal.
But the arrival of their remarkable daughter, Renesmee, sets in motion a perilous chain of events that pits the Cullens and their allies against the Volturi, the fearsome council of vampire leaders, setting the stage for an all-out battle.
Official site: http://www.breakingdawn-themovie.com/
Premiere Romania: 18.11.2011
Zori de zi 1, următorul episod al Sagăi Amurg, duce povestea de dragoste dintre Bella şi Edward pe un făgaş aproape normal. Vampirul şi muritoarea par să se bucure acum de o căsătorie aparent liniştită, dar nu pentru mult timp, fericirea lor fiind din nou spulberată de trădări şi pericole negândite. După controversata nuntă, Bella şi Edward pleacă în Rio de Janeiro pentru luna de miere.
Rodul pasiunii lor nu se lasă mult aşteptat, Bella rămânând imediat însărcinată. Şi cum legătura lor nu ar fi trebuit să dea naştere unui urmaş, venirea pe lume a creaturii hibride aproape că o ucide pe Bella. Singura ei şansă de supravieţuire este ca Edward să o transforme în vampir. Până să realizeze ce se întâmplă, Edward, Bella şi fiica lor Renesmee ajung să fie vânaţi atât de Volturi, cât şi de vârcolaci, iar războiul mocnit dintre clanuri este pe cale să se reaprindă.
Site al filmului: http://www.breakingdawn-themovie.com/
Premiera Romania: 18.11.2011
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