miercuri, 24 iunie 2015

I burned the house down-Sims 4-part 1

vineri, 19 iunie 2015

The 300 time I play this! Harry Potter and the prizoner of Azkaban-part 1

joi, 18 iunie 2015

Knock! Knock! Any monsters there? part 4

miercuri, 10 iunie 2015

My double personality!

Knock! Knock! series

Knock! Knock! series

Indie games

Hello ghoulies,

I am back after a long break. I focused more on my youtube channel than my blog and for that I am so sorry. Yes you heard right my youtube channel, I started a gamaing channel, were I play indie games. At the end of 2014 I was really bored with the routine in my life so after watching a few gaming vlogers I decided to start one of my own. Right now I am very proud of it and I promise to not leave you guys again!

If you guys want to check it out go to Alexandra Games.

That beeing said let us talk about today's topic: INDIE GAMES. There are games out here that most of you do not know about here are a few that I played:


Spooky's House of Jumpscares

Knock Knock!
And many more, if you heard about them then you know what to play on a day that you, want to relax. My advice go and check them and I will be keeping you posted. I will explain every game and post when I play them, so you can laught at what I carzy girl I am.

Alex out!