miercuri, 3 august 2011

Pottermore day 4

Question for today is:

How many students take part in the Triwizard Tournament during Harry's fourth year?


marți, 2 august 2011

The Smurfs - 3D 2011

                      When the evil wizard Gargamel chases the tiny blue Smurfs out of their village, they tumble from their magical world and into ours—in fact, smack dab in the middle of New York's Central Park. The Smurfs must find a way to get back to their village before Gargamel tracks them down.

Official site: http://www.smurfhappens.com/
Romania Premier: 26.08.2011


                      Strumpfii sunt niste creaturi simpatice si albastre care, atacate de un vrajitor malefic, Gargamel (Hank Azaria), incearca sa fuga de el pentru a nu fi capturati. Dar strumpfii nimeresc printr-o poarta magica care ii teleporteaza in centrul New York-ului. Asa ca Papa Smurf (Jonathan Winters), Smurfette (Katy Perry), Gutsy Smurf (Alan Cumming), Jokey Smurf (Paul Reubens) si ceilalti consateni aterizeaza in casa celor doi soti, Patrick (Neil Patrick Harris) si Grace (Jayma Mays). Simpaticele creaturi albastre vor apela la ei pentru a incerca sa revina acasa si a scapa de maleficul vrajitor.

Siteul filmului: http://www.smurfhappens.com/
Premiera Romania: 28.08.2011


Marked by P.C Cast and Kristin Cast(House of night #1)

               The House of Night series is set in a world very much like our own, except in 16-year-old Zoey Redbird's world, vampyres have always existed. In this first book in the series, Zoey enters the House of Night, a school where, after having undergone the Change, she will train to become an adult vampire--that is, if she makes it through the Change.
                Not all of those who are chosen do. It's tough to begin a new life, away from her parents and friends, and on top of that, Zoey finds she is no average fledgling. She has been Marked as special by the vampyre Goddess, Nyx. But she is not the only fledgling at the House of Night with special powers.
                 When she discovers that the leader of the Dark Daughters, the school's most elite club, is misusing her Goddess-given gifts, Zoey must look deep within herself for the courage to embrace her destiny--with a little help from her new vampyre friends.

                Zoey Redbird este o adolescenta de saptisprezece ani, a carei viata o ia complet razna in momentul in care primeste Semnul Noptii. Aleasa sa fie in scoala de vampiri, Zoey
pleaca de acasa, un loc pe care il uraste de moarte din pricita tatalui vitreg, si incepe o aventura care ii schimba total viata.

                Dezamagita de prieteni, plina de indoieli si de nesiguranta, pustoaica nu o are alaturi decat pe bunica Redbird, al carei sange cherokee il poarta si ea in vene. Ajunsa in Casa Noptii, locul transformarii ei in vampir adevarat, Zoey se va confrunta cu o astfel de experienta, va trece prin intamplari care ii vor confirma calitatile si ii vor desavarsi in cele din urma destinul.

Pottermore only english.....

       I know that everybody is been asking what is pottermore I am so pleased with what it is that I will share the secret with you,but actually it will not be me it will be J.K.Rowling so her  is the confession:

          And now comes the good part the site is open for sing up's but not everybody is acepted there is a contest named the magic quill that starts on 31.07.2011 there is going to be a question out of each book a number but if you whant to know the details go to: https://www.pottermore.com/en/help#magical-quill so the contest is until 06.08.2011 so hurry you have only 5 days left,today it will be a question out of book 3 it is not poseted yet bu i hope it will be soon.See you on the site if you make it!!!!!!

Twelve 2010

              A privileged, pot-dealing high school dropout heads down a collision course with tragedy after his cousin is slain in Harlem and his best friend is arrested as the prime suspect in the killing. Inspired by author Nick McDonell's critically acclaimed novel, Joel Schumacher's gritty inner-city drama tells the story of White Mike (Chace Crawford), a wayward teen who makes more money selling pot to rich kids from the Upper East Side than he ever would with a high school diploma.
               Spring break is here, and everyone in Manhattan is looking for a sack. White Mike's spoiled clientele always springs for the good stuff, making this an especially profitable time of the year. When White Mike's cousin winds up on the losing end of a deadly skirmish at an East Harlem housing project, the drug-pushing dropout finds his comfortable existence shaken to the core.

Official site:  http://twelve.gaumont.fr/
Premier Romania: finde it on isohunt or pirate bay..........

                     Un tânăr dealer de droguri priveşte neputincios cum viaţa lui care, de altfel, funcţiona ca unsă este distrusă de un eveniment tragic. Dupa ce vărul lui este ucis, prietenul lui cel mai bun este acuzat şi arestat pentru crimă. In luxosul Upper East Side al Manhattan-ului, un grup de adolescenti privilegiati si plictisiti, proveniti din familii bogate care ii neglijeaza, consuma marijuana si alte droguri usoare pe care li le furnizeaza tanarul in varsta de 17 ani White Mike. Dupa ce mama lui a decedat din cauza unui cancer mamar, Mike a abandonat liceul si s-a transformat in dealer de stupefiante, intelegand faptul ca poate castiga mult mai multi bani din aceasta afacere ilegala decat dintr-o profesie cinstita, practicata dupa obtinerea diplomei de bacalaureat.
                    Cu exceptia lui Molly, fata studioasa care a fost indragostita de Mike inca din copilarie, fostii colegi de scoala ai acestuia incep sa se drogheze cu "Twelve", un narcotic periculos aparut recent pe piata neagra si care imbina efectle cocainei cu efectele Ecstasy. White Mike nu consuma alcool si nu se atinge de substantele interzise pe care le comercializeaza, motiv pentru care isi pastreaza controlul, spre deosebire de ceilalti adolescenti rebeli care aluneca incet-incet intr-o lume a orgiilor sexuale si a halucinatiilor euforice generate de droguri. Dupa ce varul lui Charlie este asasinat brutal in Harlem de catre traficantul de culoare Lionel, existenta lui Mike este zguduita din temelii.

Sitetul filmului: http://twelve.gaumont.fr/
Premiera Romania: gasitil pe isohunt sau pirate bay..........