marți, 2 august 2011

One day 2011

                     Emma (Academy Award nominee Anne Hathaway) and Dexter (Jim Sturgess) meet on the night of their college graduation – July 15th, 1988. She is a working-class girl of principle and ambition who dreams of making the world a better place.
                      He is a wealthy charmer who dreams that the world will be his playground. For the next two decades, every July 15th reveals to us how “Em” and “Dex” are faring, as their friendship ebbs and flows with the passing of the years.
                      Through love and loss, heartbreak and success, hopes fulfilled and dreams shattered, they experience the grandeur of life. Somewhere along their journey, these two people realize that what they are searching and hoping for has been there for them all along.

Official site:
Premier Romania: 14.10.2011

                   Emma (Hathaway) si Dexter (Sturgess) se intalnesc prima data in 1988 si se indragostesc. Ei decid ca cea mai buna modalitate de a-si pastra vii sentimentele este de a nu se vedea decat o singura zi pe an. Insa, dupa 20 de asemenea intalniri, cei doi isi dau seama ca lucrurile incep sa se schimbe.

Sitetul fimului:
Premiera Romania: 14.10.2011

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