duminică, 24 iulie 2011

Haven by Kristi Cook

One month into her junior year, sixteen-year-old Violet McKenna transfers to the Winterhaven School in New York’s Hudson Valley, inexplicably drawn to the boarding school with high hopes. Leaving Atlanta behind, she’s looking forward to a fresh start--a new school, and new classmates who will not know her deepest, darkest secret, the one she’s tried to hide all her life: strange, foreboding visions of the future.

But Winterhaven has secrets of its own, secrets that run far deeper than Violet’s. Everyone there--every student, every teacher--has psychic abilities, 'gifts and talents,' they like to call them. Once the initial shock of discovery wears off, Violet realizes that the school is a safe haven for people like her. Soon, Violet has a new circle of friends, a new life, and maybe even a boyfriend--Aidan Gray, perhaps the smartest, hottest guy at Winterhaven.

Only there’s more to Aidan than meets the eye--much, much more. And once she learns the horrible truth, there’s no turning back from her destiny. Their destiny. Together, Violet and Aidan must face a common enemy--if only they can do so without destroying each other first.

Interview with the author:

              In ultima luna din anul scolar al lui Violet care are 16 ani, acesta se transfera la scola Winterhaven din New York,acesta simtindu-se din motive inexplicabile atrasa de acesta scoala.Lasand Atlanta in urma acesta spera sa aiba parte de un inceput nou,scola noua,colegi noi ea incercand sa isi ascunda unul din cele mai trerifiante secrete,acela are viziuni despre viitor care se adeveresc.
               Dar scoala cea noua are proprile ei secrete,care sunt mai mairi si mai inspaimatatore decat Violet isi imagineza.Toti elevii si profesorii din acesta scola au puteri speciale sa spunem asa.Odata ce descopera acest lucru Violet isi da seama ca scoala este creata special pt ai proteja pe cei care sunt la fel ca ea.Violet incerca sa isi faca un cerc de prieteni si chiar un iubit pe nume AIDAN care este cel mai frumos si destept baiat din scoala.
                Doar ca este este ceva ciudat despre Aidan de care nu isi da eama Violet si oadta ce afla adevarul acesta nu poate fugi din calea destinului,defapt nu poate fugi din cale destinului care ii astepta pe amandoi.

Acesta carte este magnifica din cate am aflat trebuie sa fie o trilogiedar asta nu este sigur sa putea sa fie si mai multe carti!!!!!!

This book is fantastic as far as I know it will be a trilogy but it is not certain so there can be more books!!! 

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