vineri, 22 iulie 2011

Vampire kisses Series until 2011 Part 1 by Ellen Schreiber

1) Vampire kisses: The beginning


A new guy in town.
Rumors of vampires.
Dangerous first love.
This is where it all begins. . . .
The mansion on top of Benson Hill has stood empty for years. But one day it seems to be occupied, and its mysterious, handsome inhabitant Alexander Sterling becomes the source of much talk around town. Raven, a vampire-obsessed Goth-girl who has always considered herself an outsider in "Dullsville," is determined to uncover the truth surrounding the secretive Alexander. As she gets to know him, and their spark intensifies, Raven finds herself in some unanticipated situations. Can Alexander make her lifelong dream come true? But love always has its complications—especially when it can only be awakened at nightfall.
The first three books in Ellen Schreiber's bestselling Vampire Kisses series capture the thrill of a most unusual romance.


             The trailer is not real but you have to admit it is verry funny how can you add on a trailer of vampire kisses images with high school musical :)):)):)):)):))  LOL......

               Stiu ca trailerul nu este cel adevarat  dar cine ar pune intr-un video  cu vampire kisses imagini cu high school musical LOL :)):)):)):)):))


                   Raven este o adolescentă de 16 ani care locuieşte în Dullsville, oraşul în care se tot plânge că nu se întâmplă niciodată nimic. Asta până când cineva se mută în vechea casă bântuită de care era fascinată Raven.
                  În oraş se zvoneşte că noii vecini sunt vampiri, că nu ies din casă decât noaptea, nu suportă usturoiul şi îşi petrec nopţile în cimitir. Fata gotică (da, la Raven mă refer) a devenit atunci interesată de noii locuitori, visul ei încă din copilărie fiind să devină vampir. Dacă zvonurile se dovedeau adevărate, acum era momentul să facă ceea ce a visat toată viaţa.

 How sweet.............

2)Vampire kisses: kissing coffins

                Goth girl Raven is back in this funny sequel to VAMPIRE KISSES. She is still trying to connect with her mysterious true love Alexander Sterling, who has disappeared from his mansion in Raven's small town, which she calls "Dullsville." Raven would like to know, among other things, if he wants to make her a vampire so she can be with him.

                She learns that Jameson, Alexander's butler, placed an order for flowers from a nearby town that Raven labels "Hipsterville." Luckily her aunt lives there and she heads over for a visit during her spring break. Hipsterville offers stores specializing in Goth clothes, a Coffin Club night hotspot, and a historical society with clues about local mansions. As Raven tracks down her elusive boyfriend, she draws the attention of another vampire, one who also wants to find Alexander, but for dark reasons of his own. While she is enjoying fitting in with the Goth folks in Hipsterville, Raven does not want to draw Alexander into danger. But danger does follow her back to Dullsville...

               In addition to piecing the mystery together, Raven tries to figure out what the future will hold for her and Alexander. She loves him but doesn't know if she wants to become a vampire like him. She knows she will always stand out from her family and her town, but will fitting in with him and his kind be the answer for her?



                     Raven este fata din nou in acest roman  amuzant pentru Vampire kisses. Ea  încă încearcă să se conecteze cu  dragoste ei  adevarata Alexander Sterling, care a dispărut de la conacul lui în oraş numit "Dullsville." Raven ar dori să ştie, printre altele, dacă vrea el vrea să o transforme in vampir, astfel ca ea poate fi cu el.
                    Ea află că Jameson, majordom lui Alexandru, plasat o comanda pentru flori de la un oraş din apropiere, numit  "Hipsterville." Din fericire, mătuşa ei locuieşte acolo şi ea hotareste, sa ii faca o vizită în timpul pauzei de primăvară. Hipsterville oferă magazine specializate în haine Goth, un club de noapte numit clubul Coffin, şi o societate istorica cu indicii despre conacele locale. Raven, atrage atenţia  unui alt vampir, unul care, de asemenea, doreşte să afle unde este Alexander, dar din motive intunecate decat ale sale. În timp ce ea se bucura de compatibilitatea cu oamenii Goth în Hipsterville, Raven nu vrea să il  atragă pe Alexandru în pericol. Dar pericolul o urmareste  înapoi la Dullsville ...
Again cute.......:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

3)Vapmpire kisses: Vampireville

Raven is back with her vampire Alexander in VAMPIREVILLE. In this volume, Raven and Alexander try to meet for the few hours each day when both are awake. Raven is literally dying to have Alexander turn her into a vampire on sacred ground (like a cemetery), making her his eternal mate. But he likes her for who she is and is unwilling to take that final step.

The problem is that Raven has to pretend to be a vampire so the real vampire twins, Luna and Jagger, will stop trying to make Alexander into Luna's mate. Alexander was promised to Luna since birth and decided not to turn her into his vampire, suggesting that they each find true love instead. Maybe both twins will think that Raven and Alexander are taken and will leave them alone, right?

Wrong! Instead they keep looking to prove that Raven is not a vampire, which of course she isn't; at the same time they try to turn Raven's mortal nemesis jock Trevor into a vampire too. Raven doesn't like Trevor, but she doesn't want to see him become a vampire without his knowing what's going on. Each time she thwarts Luna and Jagger, they get away. When Raven converses with Luna a couple of times, she doesn't realize that they actually have a lot in common --- both feel like outsiders.

In between keeping those roles straight, Raven is trying to fit in girltime with her real best friend Becky, who has her own jock boyfriend, Matt. She also tries to keep Becky and the town of Dullsville from knowing about all the vampires running around.


Again not on official trailer but tell me what you think because i do not belive that bill should be Alexander adain LOL..:)):)):)):)):)):))

Din nou nu este trailerul oficial dar eu nu cred ca bill ar putea fi alexandre spuneti-mi ce parere aveti.....


                  In acest volum actiune se petrece din nou in Dussvile, iar Alexander si Raven au mari probleme pt ca au aparut gemenii Luna si Jagger care vor sa il faca pe Alexander sa isi tina promisiunea facuta Lunei,aceea de a o face iubita sa vesnica(mentionez ca acest lucru se poate face intr-un cimitir cu un ritual specific). Raven afla de aceste lucruri incerca sa se prefaca ca este vampir si ca este transformata de Alexander (mentionez ca acesta is doreste acet lucru forte mult) dar normal ca ea nu reuseste sa ii pacalesca.
                  Pe langa toate aceste Raven incerca sa isi mentina prietenia cu Becky,care o acuza ca nu isi mai petrece ata timp cu ea ca inainte( dar ce crede acesta ca o sa-l lase pe Alexander pt ea DOAMNE FERESTE)
                                                     I love this picture don't you??? 

            This are only the first 3 volumes but ther are 8 in total so this is part 1 of the series I promis I will write the rest on the date  23.07.2011 and I hope that you will leve me a comment of what you think so far and try to read the books that post because belive me you will not lose nothing if you do.......

           Aici am prezentat primele trei volume dar in total sunt 8 asa ca aceasta este partea 1 din serie partea a doua o sa o scriu maine.Incercati sa cititi cartile pe care le postez pt ca nu o sa va para rau daca o faceti............

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