sâmbătă, 23 iulie 2011

Vampire kisses Series until 2011 Part 2 by Ellen Schreiber

4) Vampire kisses: dance with a vampire


Now that Raven and her vampire boyfriend Alexander have driven the deadly twins from Dullsville, there is only one threat left --- their younger brother Valentine, zipping through Dullsville on his coffin-shaped skateboard. Not only is he fast and deadly, he has taken an interest in Raven’s younger brother Billy.

As if protecting her family and town weren’t enough, Raven has to wrestle with the question of whether or not she wants to join Alexander in eternity. There is also the Prom to get ready for and long-time human nemesis Trevor with whom to spar.

Valentine has an unusual talent: he can read people’s minds, as well as their fears. When Alexander plans a romantic graveyard picnic, Raven panics when she thinks he is about to bite her. Valentine is aware that Raven has second thoughts about becoming a vampire bride and isn’t shy about letting Alexander know this. The more they learn about Valentine, though, the more they realize that in many ways he is a young kid suffering from loneliness. This is something Alexander understands, as he is the last remaining person from his family and his old country, except for his butler.

Raven is beginning to grasp what her usually nerdy brother means to her as he pulls away to spend more time with Valentine. Billy stands up to her, and she learns that her choice to stand out in Dullsville with goth clothes and hobbies has affected Billy as well. He is proud of her and thinks that hanging out with another goth type will make him cooler. Can she show Billy the danger he is in without letting on about her vampire boyfriend?

Alexander now knows that Raven is not ready to join him in eternity, which makes the already night and day relationship even harder.


                Acum ca Alexander si rven iau alungat pe gemeni din Dullsville mai au doar un singur pericol de confruntat acela fiind fratele mai mic la gemenilor Valentin care vine in oras impreuna cu cosciugul sau in forma de skatebord.nu numai ca este rapid si mortal Valentin se arata interesat de fratele mai mic a lui Raven Billy.
                In incercarea de asi proteja familia Raven se gandeste daca vrea defapt ca Alexander sa o transforme in vampir.Acesta trebuie sa se pregatesca si pentru balul de la liceu unde il va avea de infruntat pe Trevor (baiatul cel mai popular si bogat care o uraste pe Raven dar cum se zice de la ura la iubire este doar un pas).
                Deci in acest volum Raven este prinsa intre asi salva fratiorul di mainile vampirului care poate citi ganduri Valentin si a incerca sa fie cu Alexander pt eternitate.  

5) Vampire kisses: the coffin club
The fifth book in Ellen Schreiber’s Vampire Kisses series finds Raven looking at a boring summer, beginning in Dullsville with no Alexander. She doesn’t even know where he is and can’t stand the thought of spending the next few months in limbo like that. The last thing she knew, Alexander was trying to return vampire Valentine to his dark siblings, Luna and Jagger, who were last seen at the Coffin Club in Hipsterville. Luckily, Raven has an Aunt Libby who lives there.

Soon she is on the bus to Hipsterville, ready to search for her beloved and spend her time in the land where Goth is chic. The Coffin Club is practically Raven’s favorite place on earth, with its dark edgy décor and drinks. Everyone there dresses like her and listens to the same music, unlike in Dullsville, where she stands out no matter what she does.

When she arrives in Hipsterville ready for adventures, she finds out that strange crop circles have been appearing in the town. Could that be a signal for vampires? Does this mean Alexander is near?

Raven learns that a spooky decaying mansion has been rented and knows that Alexander and his trusty Jameson are there. Sure enough, she goes there at dusk, just in time for Alexander to wake up and for them to be together. He is happy to see her but seems to be hiding something. He makes her promise not to go to the Coffin Club without him, but she is unable to resist.

She sneaks in and revels in the wicked atmosphere, until she finds another club in the basement. This one serves blood, and its clients don’t ever see the sun. Raven pretends to be a vampire and learns from new friends in the basement club that Jagger is running it and many people don’t like his rules.

Raven tries to piece together what is going on with Alexander and what is happening in Hipsterville. Luckily, Alexander takes her back to the Coffin Club one night, and even Aunt Libby wants to go there another night. The rumors swell about an uprising against Jagger, and the mysterious brooding purple-haired biker vampire Phoenix who stares at Raven seems to be leading the force against him. She is somehow drawn to the stranger while still spending as much time as possible with her true love. She can’t keep herself from returning to the basement club to find out what is going to happen between Jagger and Phoenix. She knows the crop circles have something to do with it, too she just has to make sure no one finds out she is not really a vampire.

           In al cincile volum al serie Raven se afle in DULLSVILLE fara Alexander si se plictiseste de moarte asa ca decide sa se duca in HIPPERSVILLE la matusa sa dar nu se duce la acesta doar pt a o vedea,se duce pt ca vrea sa merga la coffin club care este clubul pe care Raven il adora.
            Ajungand in HIPPERSVILLE acesta afla ca in campurile cu grau au aprut niste semne ciudate si nimeni nu stie despre ce este vorba.Raven se intreba daca acest lucru are de aface cu Alexander si incepand sa cerceteze afla despre o casa veche si se intreba daca acole este Alexander.
             Coffin club este codus de geamanul Jagger care din cate afla Raven este de vina pt semnele ciudate,dar planurile acestuia sunt date peste cap cand in club apare un nou vampir pe nume Pheonix care il amenita pe Jagger ca ii ia cubul daca nu opreste planul pe care il desfasoara.Mentionez ca Rven se indragosteste de Pheonix.
              Asa deci un roman plin de actine si mister si unde oare este dragul nostru Alexander??????

6)Vampire kissses:royal blood

Summer break is over, and Raven is hardly eager to be returning to Dullsville High. Not only does school mean daily interaction with preppy pest Trevor Mitchell, but her sleep-filled days and romantic nights with her immortal boyfriend, Alexander, must come to an end. Plus the shock of morning classes isn't the only change in store.

An unexpected letter turns up at Alexander's mansion—announcing his parents will be coming to town. And once they arrive, just about everyone has had a sighting of the macabre couple except Raven. What could be delaying Alexander from introducing Raven to them? Could Alexander be hiding something about his parents' homecoming?

When Raven is finally invited to the most thrilling dinner party of her life, the next turn of events could transform her entire future with Alexander. The sixth book in Ellen Schreiber's bestselling Vampire Kisses series takes an unusual twist in the continuing romance of Raven and Alexander.

             Vacanta de vara sa terminat iar Raven abia astepta sa se intorca la liceu.Liceul nu insemna nu numai ca aceasta se va intalni zilnic cu Trevor dar si ore de dimineta care trec mai repede si care o vor fac sa se rentalnesca seara cu iubitul sau Alexander.
              O scrisoare neasteptata pare anutandul pe Alexander ca parintii sai vor sai fac o vizita.Odata ajunsi in DUSSVILLE parintii lui Alexander o cheama pe Raven pt a o intalni.Oare va rezista relatia lu Raven cu Alexander?Ore ii vor despartii parintii pt ca sunt atat de diferit?

7) Vampire kisses: love bites

As a mortal girl dating a vampire, Raven knows that love isn't always easy. Now that Alexander's parents have returned to Romania, Raven and her dreamy vampire boyfriend are happy to resume their cryptic romance.
But soon another visitor comes knocking: Sebastian, Alexander's best friend, arrives for a stay at the mansion. At first Raven is wary, then thrilled—this is the perfect chance to learn more about her darkly handsome boyfriend and his past. Raven has been wondering whether Alexander will ever bite her and make their love immortal, and Sebastian could be her guide to the love habits of Alexander and his kind. But when Sebastian falls for a particular Dullsvillian, will another mortal beat Raven to the bite?
With suspense, danger, and a fabulous vampire party, this seventh book in the bestselling Vampire Kisses series continues the exciting nocturnal romance of Raven and Alexander.

             Ca orice fata care se intalneste cu un vampir Raven stie ca iubi nu este usor.Acum ca parintii lui Alexander s-au intors in ROMANIA cei doi isi pot continua povestea de dragoste in pace.
               Dar imediat dupa plecarea parintilor la vila din dullsville isi face apritia cel mai bun prieten a lui Alexander SEBASTIAN.Raven este un pic sceptica la inceput dar dupa o anumita perioada isi da sema ca poate sa afle mai multe de la SEBASTIAN despre iubitul ei.
                 Alexander da o pretercere in cinstea lui sebastian la vila unde sunt invitate cele do vanpirite pe care le-a cunoscut Raven la coffin club si isi fac aprita si cei doi gemeni jagger si Luna.Cu atatia vampiri in zona oare va afla orasul ca Alexander este vampir?

8) Vampire kisses: cryptic cravings


The morbidly monotonous Dullsville has finally become the most exciting place on earth now that Raven is madly in love with her hot vampire boyfriend Alexander, and a crew of vampires has taken residence in Dullsville's old mill. Raven discovers Jagger's plan to open a new club, The Crypt, right here in Dullsville. But is it her dream come true, or her worst nightmare? Raven and Alexander have to figure out what the nefarious vampire has in store for Dullsville's teen and vampire population. Can Raven convince Jagger to listen to her plans to make the Crypt the morbidly magnificent dance club it could be? Will it be safe for mortals and vampires alike?
And as Sebastian and Luna's relationship heats up, Raven wonders about her own amorous fate: Will Alexander ever turn her? Does he crave her and does he want to spend eternity together? And what does she really want?
With cryptic secrets and cravings, this eighth installment in the Vampire Kisses series is a romantic and mysterious thrill ride.
This books are fabulos belive me because at first I thought theY are not worth it but now I can not stop reading only one thing bugs me: HOW MANY RELATIVES AND FRIENDS DOES ALEXANDER HAVE BECAUS I AM TIERD WHEN DOES RAVEN BECOME A VAMPIRE????????


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